Our IPL collagen booster offers a safe & non-invasive way to improve visibility of fine lines, wrinkles, age spots and any other signs of premature ageing. With no down-time, appointments can be fitted into your lunch hour, helping to revive dull, tired skin around a busy schedule.
How does it work?
When used to target the signs of premature ageing, our IPL treatment works by warming the skin, tricking your fibroblasts into kick-starting collagen production. Collagen is essentially the building blocks of skin, the scaffolding responsible for keeping skin plump & firm. This causes wrinkles & lines to reflate & your skin tone will become more even as you progress through your course of treatments.
What areas can be treated?
Face, neck & chest (including wrinkly/turkey neck)
What kind of results can I expect?
Skin will look and feel plump with a visible reduction in fine lines, wrinkles & age spots. Depending on your treatment goals, your practitioner might prescribe a course of skin peels to work in conjunction with the IPL to smooth deeper laughter lines or wrinkles.
Is there any downtime?
Your skin may appear a little flushed after the treatment, but this should subside very quickly
How many treatments are recommended?
Most people are prescribed a course of 6 treatments to achieve optimal results. Treatments will be spaced two weeks apart for the first two treatments & then once a month until you’ve achieved your desired results.
What will the treatment feel like?
IPL treatments are pain free. A few clients say that the light flashes feel like a gentle warm flick to the skin.
IPL Collagen Boost Facial
This premium facial will address the aspects of premature ageing due to its ability to promote fibroblast activity and the reconstruction of collagen within the skin. The treatment begins with a mild Glycolic Acid peel to prepare the skin and maximize results.
Full Face £150
Neck £50
Full face & Neck £175
Decolletage £100
Hands £75
Illumi Facial
This amazing triple collagen boosting/pigmentation/red vein treatment consists of a Lynton Tri Fruit Acid Peel, IPL 650 collagen boost skin rejuvenation with full face pigment and vascular reduction. The treatment is finished off with our healing and rejuvenating LED Dermalux TriWave MD Light - the most powerful light on the market.
This premium facial will address the aspects of premature ageing due to its ability to promote fibroblast activity and the reconstruction of collagen within the skin and tighten and brighten by reducing red vein and pigmentation spots.
Full Face & Neck Treatment £350
Course of 6 (recommended) £1750 ** Patch test is essential prior to treatment**
Please call Cobham Beauty & Laser on 01932 866 567 to book a consultation to discuss IPL Skin Treatments. In order to reserve a consultation you will be required to pay a £30 booking fee, this booking fee will be deducted from the cost of treatment.